Isla Vista Community Relations Committee (IVCRC)


IVCRC is an Associated Students committee that works to promote and educate the Isla Vista community as a whole by nurturing the relationships between the long-term and short-term residents. In addition, IVCRC administers the IV Improvements Lock-in funds and funds on-campus and off-campus groups that work to improve the community. IVCRC is a committee filled with active and passionate students who wish to bring the Isla Vista Community as a whole together.

The committee addresses local issues, including safety, police/community relations, landlord/tenant relations, emergency and other vehicle access in Isla Vista, parking, and County and University funding for programs and services in Isla Vista. IVCRC often collaborates with the Office of the External Vice President for Local Affairs (EVPLA).

The Isla Vista Improvements Lock-In funds are used to facilitate community programs, which seek to better the living environment of the students, families and residents of Isla Vista by providing financial, technical and administrative support for student initiated and/or non-profit community improvement services and projects.

IVCRC Events and Activities

IVCRC began the year with planning the annual Pardall Carnival.

Pardall Carnival

The carnival brings together the student and local IV communities, including families and kids, for an event that is both informational and fun. Planning began with identifying the various components of the day long festival. A lot needed to happen including orders for T-shirts, posters, and other publicity. Since the carnival has now been held for several years regular vendors were contacted, including the folks who bring the numerous rides like the mini-Ferris wheel, spinning cups, bouncy houses, and the dunk tank that allowed participants to send AS President Harrison Weber and Executive Vice President for Local Affairs Tim Benson, among others into the drink for a refreshing dip.

Pardall Carnival Dunk Tank

KCSB and other local DJs were brought on board to spin and A.S. IT maestro and photographer Sean Lieberman came out to take pictures. Since a big part of the festival involves informational tables for a wide variety of campus and local organizations, table games and other enticements also needed to be ordered.

Pardall Carnival Leg Council Table with Jonathan Abboud

Pardall Carnival Program Board Tabling

Collaborating with the EVPLA’s Office and the IV Foot Patrol, IVCRC also worked to cut down the alarming number of burglaries in IV each year. The goal is to cut IV burglaries by at least 30%. The campaign is primarily informational and also includes distributing window stickers. It aims to encourage students to lock their doors, make sure landlords install proper locks, and for students to be generally aware that they must secure their valuables whenever they’re away.

IVCRC has supported the IV Teen Center for many years. This year was no different. The center is in part funded by students and relies on student volunteers to provide local teens a space and after school programs.

This year marked the first ever A.S. Olympics, which took place on the Faculty Club lawn in February. Teams from various A.S. groups competed in a variety of unconventional sports.

A.S. Olympians Take to the Field

In the interest of alternative programming, IVCRC also funded Laughology. Laughology does weekly shows throughout the year at Embarcadero Hall. Comedians from the Los Angeles area, including ones who have done specials on Comedy Central, headline the shows, which have been popular with students for many years.

This year IVCRC also funded production of the second annual IV calendar. Each month of the calendar is illustrated with a photo that provides a glimpse of life in IV. Students and other members of the A.S. community submit photos. IVCRC committee members choose the ones they like best. The calendars are distributed for free.

Sunset Over Coal Oil Point Photo: Paolo Lekai

To close out the year IVCRC presented the annual Chilla Vista festival. Planning for the Chilla Vista festival, which took place in April, began in January. It included reaching out to the local business community and inviting community members to give input at open meetings. Ultimately, IVCRC brought in many fun and informative activities, including local bands to celebrate IV’s distinctive culture. In addition, IVCRC collaborated with KCSB for the first time to help celebrate its 50th Anniversary. KCSB had its own stage for a concert produced by the station and provided DJs throughout the festival.

It was a productive year for IVCRC and a testament to students’ commitment to building community for ALL of Isla Vista!

Committee Members