Flashback 2011/2012 chronicles a year of UCSB Associated Students initiatives, programs, events, and support of our campus and local communities. Associated Students is student run and student funded and all of these actions happen each year because students initiate, plan, and develop them with the support of a dedicated career staff. Students work with campus and local officials, businesses, and a variety of agencies and individuals to build healthy communities around principles of sustainability, inclusiveness, and caring. They are agents of positive change and are literally building the future!
Flashback 2011/2012 is designed to be an active resource. It contains a wealth of information about the kinds of activities students engage in through A.S. These activities don’t happen in a vacuum. They’re part of our larger on and off-campus communities. The links included in the texts reflect this connectivity and are included to make more information available and encourage readers to become actively involved both within A.S. and beyond.
Flashback 2011/2012 is intended to give as comprehensive an overview as possible of the many activities students engaged in during the past year July1, 2011 to July 1, 2012. Every effort is made to include as much as possible, but since this is a collaborative project and relies on numerous sources for information, it’s inevitable that some activities may be missed. If you have information you think should be included, please send this information to the Flashback 2011/20-12 editor at: andrewd@as.ucsb.edu. Thank you for your participation!