Commission on Disability Equality

The Commission on Disability Equality (CODE) serves students with temporary or permanent physical and /or mental disabilities. This includes educating the UCSB community regarding disabilities and working to eliminate the barriers and segregation students with disabilities encounter around campus and in Isla Vista. CODE also encourages volunteering with local agencies serving the disabled community including the local Devereux campus and the Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic) center in Santa Barbara.

This year CODE continued working towards a fully accessible campus. Their goal is to have a transportation system implemented that will serve the needs of UCSB students with either a temporary disability, like a broken leg, or permanent disabilities. They partnered with AS Legislative Council to craft a proposal for a pilot project. The end goal is to create a system that will serve the entire UCSB campus, Isla Vista, and possibly even Goleta and parts of Santa Barbara. As of now, there is no projected date for the implementation of this system. Updates will be posted on the CODE webpage. Community input is encouraged and any interested parties should email the committee at: