Environmental Affairs Board (EAB)

The Environmental Affairs Board (EAB) is one of the most dynamic student groups on campus. EAB members are agents of change and EAB has a history of bringing about substantiative changes with long range effects. Some of these changes are made within a quarter or academic year. Others are the product of patient negotiation and a deep knowledge of the issues at hand. Here is an overview of what EAB accomplished in just one year. For more EAB photos, click Galleries and check out the A.S. website.

Major Events

Educational Presentations: Facilitated several presentations and dialogues concerning the Gulf Oil Spill.

The Cove: Worked with community environmental groups to publicize and support the message of the film The Cove.

Carrot Mob at McConnel’s: Assisted in organizing a Carrotmob event with the Community Environmental Council and Sun Reconstruction in which the coalition raised $2,200 in additional profits for McConnel’s Ice Cream shop to retrofit the lighting and refrigeration system of their store, which will improve their energy efficieny and lower their carbon footprint.

CSSC Convergence: Hosted the annual Fall Convergence of the California Student Sustainability Coalition, bringing 200 students from around the state to learn about today’s most pressing environmental issues. Many EAB officers led workshops and shared ideas and strategies with other schools. Students from Cal Poly were so excited by the idea of Green Chef that they planned their own cooking competition less than a month after the convergence!

Chico Conference: Sent 5 students to a statewide environmental conference hosted by CSU Chico. 

Koch Brother’s Rally: EAB members traveled to Palm Springs to demonstrate against corporate influence in politics. 

Flow Film Screening: EAB’s water conservation sub-group along with UCSB’s coastal fund screened the film documentary FLOW, in Isla Vista Theater on January 19th.  This event was held to kick off the ongoing water conservation campaign started this year as well.

Human Rights Week: Partnered with Human Rights Board to put on two Human Rights Week events, one focusing on struggles of indigenous peoples and one on water equity in California.

Recycle Mania: Work with A.S. Recycling to promote recycling on campus and throughout the nation.

Higher Education Week: Working with high schools in SB County to encourage environmental awareness in students and enrollment in environmentally-oriented majors in college.

Strengthening the Roots: Sending students to statewide sustainable food conference in Santa Cruz to network with youth leaders from across California. 

Isla Vista Earth Day: Host the annual concert festival in Anisq’Oyo’ park, featuring local bands, vendors, food and activities. Draws 2,000 people yearly. 

Water Competition: Promote water conservation in the residence halls and on campus more generally by educating students about how to reduce water consumption and about water issues both locally and globally.

Power Shift: Sending a team of students to the biennial national conference in Washington, D.C., which sees 12,000 youth converge for a weekend of workshops centered around a broad array of environmental issues. Students also are trained in lobbying and are able to meet with elected representatitves to actively push for environmental legislation. 

CSSC Convergence: We will be sending a large group of students to the Spring Convergence in Davis, CA.


Student Food Collective: Created the UCSB Student Food Collective, an OSL group which will be launching a student-run food cart on campus in Fall 2011. Continue to support the organization’s endeavors and co-sponsor events.

Meatless Mondays: Currently hold weekly events to promote a lower-impact diet, and are in talks with the Dining Commons to create an enduring partnership around this issue.

Committees: Provide students with a variety of committees and issues to become involved with, including Sustainable Foods, Sustainable Business, Environmental Justice, Water Conservation and Energy Auditing of campus buildings.

Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee: EAB officers sit on the Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee to provide recommendations about how to implement environmentally-conscious policies.

Environmental Education for the Next Generation: EAB partners with this local, student-founded nonprofit to send student instructors to elementary schools in Southern California to teach an environmental curriculum and serve as mentors to the younger generation.


Green Chef: Hosted a fantastic Green Chef cooking contest with over 70 participants, who were both EAB members and not affiliated with our group. The competition featured 35 different dishes, local bands and a guest speaker and sought to educate UCSB about sustainable food.

Hikes: Hosted hikes almost every week during Fall to favorite local trails.

Gardening: Provided students the opportunity twice weekly during Fall to hone their gardening skills in EAB’s garden plot.

Adopt-a-Block: Led students on a trash-clean up every week.

Beach Clean-Up: Organized a large clean-up of the Isla Vista beach.

Leafnotes: EAB publishes a yearly arts and culture magazine that is distributed free to the student body. Click here for Summer 2010, Spring 2011.


Summer Meeting Attendance: Doubled the attendance of our weekly general meetings, with 30 students on average participating each week.

Kick-Off Event: Hugely successful event with around 300 students attending

Large Weekly Meetings: Weekly meetings averaging 90 members

Freudenberg Lectures Taping: Provided funding to record the Fall quarter lectures of the late Environmental Studies professor Dr. William Freudenberg so that future generations of students can benefit from his immense knowledge and body of work. 

For more environmental information, see the EAB website Resources and UCSB Sustainability website.