Business Services Committee


The Business Services Committee acts as a consulting body for the following Associated Students’ Businesses and Services: Bike Shop, Cashiers and Ticket Office, Community Financial Fund, Publications, Legal Resource Center, and any new services which may be developed by the Sub-Committee. The committee serves as a recommending body for the aforementioned groups to the Legislative Council and the A.S. Executive Director. The committee serves as a liaison between A.S. Business Managers, student employees and Legislative Council. The Committee actively seeks proposals for other business enterprises or ventures and will serve as the recommending body to Legislative Council for all proposals for future A.S. business enterprises.

Isla Vista GIVE Drive

As a fitting end to a year of serving the IV community, several A.S. groups, including the Business Services Committee, CAB and CAB Foundation, IVCRC, Finance Board, and IVTU, participated in the annual IV GIVE drive. The event, which is also sponsored by GIVE Isla Vista, Housing & Residential Services, Office of Student Life, Marborg Disposal, Inc., Goodwill Industries, and The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), is the culmination of a week of collecting items ranging from furniture to non-perishable foods from students moving out at the end of the year. These items are sold and all proceeds benefit local community service agencies. Items left over from the sale are donated to local  The food goes to stock the shelves of the A.S. Food Bank. This year GIVE raised $37,260.24. 138 volunteers worked 1,314.5 hours collecting about 30 tons of student donations. This included over 1289 pounds of food for the A.S. Food Bank, and hundreds of pounds of E-waste for A.S. Recycling. 100% of the proceeds were distributed to 14 IV community non-profits, including:

Adopt-a-Block Program: Isla Vista Recreation & Park District

Associated Students Food Bank

Breakfast Optimist Club of Goleta

Isla Vista Elementary School Science Camp Scholarship Fund

Isla Vista Initiatives Fund, i.e. Isla Vista Community Network

Isla Vista Teen Center

Isla Vista/UCSB Liaison Scholarship Fund at the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara

Isla Vista Youth Projects

Optimist Club @ UCSB

St. Brigid Outreach Program

Santa Barbara Student Housing Coop

St. Michael and All Angels Church

THRIVE Isla Vista

Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara/Isla Vista

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