Commission on Student Well Being (COSWB)
The A.S. Commission on Student Well Being is dedicated to promoting the physical and mental well being of the UCSB community. Since forming in 2008, the Commission has broadened the scope of its initiatives and this year produced a variety of activities to engage students and encourage lifelong healthy habits.
In January COSWB presented UCSB Professors John and Janice Baldwin. The Baldwins are well-known on campus for their Sociology of Human Sexuality course, which has become a not-to-be-missed part of the UCSB undergraduate experience.
They spoke about hook up culture and sex in general in current society. The event was well attended and informative about topics that are critical for both the physical and mental health of the campus community.
Free Fitness Tuesdays
Once again COSWB promoted physical fitness by hosting free weekly classes in a variety of fitness routines. The classes were always fun and included, Pilates, Burlesque, Yoga, Hip Hop Cardio, Kickboxing, and Salsaerobics.
Make Your Own Granola Bars and Trail Mix Workshops
In collaboration with the A.S. Food Bank, Community Affairs Board, Environmental Affairs Board, Health and Wellness Interns, and Student Food Collective, COSWB co-spsonored a free food demo on how to make granola bars using just a few healthy ingredients. Before Winter Quarter finals they also co-hosted a make your own trail mix gathering in front of Davidson Library.
Allison Moon Speaks on “Artivism”
COSWB was a co-sponsor with the Student Commission on Racial Equality, and Take Back The Night to bring Allison Moon to campus during Winter Quarter to speak on art as activism. She explored the politics, privileges and identity issues involved with creating art.
In her interactive talk, Moon deconstructed notions of “privilege guilt” into useful components for creativity, discussed the intersection between art and social justice, deconstructed activist skill-sets to turn them into useful tools for the creation process, and shared methods for distilling passion from conflict to turn activism into relevant art.