Environmental Affairs Board (EAB)


The Environmental Affairs Board (EAB) is a branch of UCSB’s Associated Students Government and is the largest and most active environmental group on campus—weekly meetings often draw close to 100 people.

The charge of EAB is to protect, preserve and enhance the environment, principally at UCSB and its surrounding communities. The board coordinates and coalition-builds with other groups to promote environmental perspectives and sustainability throughout the University and its surrounding communities, as well as at the state, national, and global level.

Environmental Scavenger Hunt

During Winter Quarter, EAB hosted a two-hour scavenger hunt centered around our relationship with water on campus and water awareness. Participants considered activities such as drinking, research, sanitation and recreation.

Make Your Own Granola Bars and Trail Mix Workshops

373512_531568930197276_497866275_nIn collaboration with the A.S. Commission on Student Wellbeing, Food Bank, Community Affairs Board, Health and Wellness Interns, and Student Food Collective, EAB co-sponsored a free food demo on how to make granola bars using just a few healthy ingredients. Before Winter Quarter finals they also co-hosted a make your own trail mix gathering in front of Davidson Library.

UC Fossil Fuels Divestment Campaign

EAB began a fossil free campaign to encourage the University of California to divest from all fossil fuel energy companies including oil, coal, and natural gas. With the divestment from the apartheid regime of South Africa as a precedent, students hope to send a clear message that non-renewable forms of energy are no longer tenable as we work towards a sustainable future. The A.S. Senate passed a resolution in support of this effort.

Community Activities

Get out, get active! is one of EAB’s mottos. Here are this year’s recurring activities straight from the EAB website!

If you want to see what we’re up to, check out our calendar!


EAB regularly goes out to IV Parks and rec to help out picking up trash. Join us at 3:30pm every Thursday, meet at the IV Food Co-op! Armed with our high fashion, tangerine colored grapplers, we scavenge high and low for the oddities you may find in the streets of IV.  Come help keep IV clean, it’s a relaxing stroll through IV as we enjoy the year long sunshine and pick up trash. Plus, FREE FOOD afterwards! Contact Kai for questions- (510) 334-4867


Habitat Restoration on Anacapa Island


We volunteer with CCEBER to do on campus restoration and learn more about plants, and restoration regulations in the area.  We also take special trips out to the Channel Islands to help with restoration out there.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to explore the islands and see what California looked like before urbanization!


We team up with other campus organizations to coordinate two massive beach clean-ups per quarter to keep Del Playa Beach clean and safe.  We have picked up over 250 pounds of trash in just a few hours.

Social Activities


Enjoy delicious food and have fun! EAB plans events throughout the year to come together as a community and celebrate. Past events include Vegan Thanksgiving, kickball tournaments, and BBQs at Goleta Beach.


We lead hikes every weekend to trails throughout the Santa Barbara area. Leave the IV bubble and explore what this gorgeous town has to offer. Read our newsletter for details.


Bike with us to the Farmers Market every Sunday in the Camino Real Marketplace (near Costco). Enjoy delicious locally grown and organic produce and support our local farmers.

With One of Our Favorite Farmer’s Market Vendors: “Patrick the Hummus Guy”


Like meditation, yoga is a rejuvenating activity that is a tonic for mind and body. Do yourself a favor and come out to this fun event! No experience necessary–everyone is welcome, like always!


Have you ever wondered how to make lotion? Have you ever wanted to create your own reusable set of silverware?  Have you ever thought, “This couldn’t be too hard to make on my own”? Well EAB has, too! We are now leading workshops to experiment and teach people how to create things on their own! Not only does this reduce the waste of buying packaging goods, but it is SUPER fun! Join us in creating stuff you never knew you could!


EAB leads an awesome camping trip every quarter! Come learn more about your fellow EABers while hanging out at the beach, adventuring into unknown territories, or getting some exercise.  Past trips have included El Capitan State Beach, San Rafael Wilderness, and more!

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