Finance Board


Associated Students Finance Board is the financial arm of the A.S. Legislative Council. Finance Board members work with the A.S. President and Legislative Council to set the annual budget, meet weekly to disburse “unallocated” funds, advise student organizations, and conduct financial workshops. Finance Board allocates money each year to help fund on-campus groups and programs that also directly benefit the larger community.

Finance Board is responsible for all budget allocations of Associated Students monies and implementation (education and enforcement of A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures). In addition, Finance Board is responsible for approving all travel and entertainment for all A.S., except in certain circumstances. Legislative Council, via the approval of Finance Board minutes, must approve all motions and allocations made by Finance Board.

Lean on Me

Finance Board co-hosted an evening “Lean on Me” program with The Community Affairs Board (CAB) during Spring Quarter.


Many students, staff, and faculty at UCSB have dedicated themselves to the service of others and to serve as leaders of their organizations, departments, and a variety of groups.
This service bears with it immense responsibility and it is crucial to remain engaged with not only each other but also with themselves.

The Lean On Me program provided participants time to not only recenter their core, but also to connect with the core of others, and in essence with the core values of UCSB. Lean on Me was an evening dedicated to APPRECIATION. It was an opportunity for leaders to be uplifted and re-centered in order to continue to do GREAT community work.

The evening included a fully catered dinner and a keynote address by Dr. Calvin Mackie, whose extraordinarily rich biography can be found by clicking here.








Isla Vista GIVE Drive

As a fitting end to a year of serving the IV community, several A.S. groups, including Finance Board, CAB and CAB Foundation, IVCRC, Business Services Committee, and IVTU, participated in the annual IV GIVE drive. The event, which is also sponsored by GIVE Isla Vista, Housing & Residential Services, Office of Student Life, Marborg Disposal, Inc., Goodwill Industries, and The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), is the culmination of a week of collecting items ranging from furniture to non-perishable foods from students moving out at the end of the year. These items are sold and all proceeds benefit local community service agencies. Items left over from the sale are donated to local  The food goes to stock the shelves of the A.S. Food Bank. This year GIVE raised $37,260.24. 138 volunteers worked 1,314.5 hours collecting about 30 tons of student donations. This included over 1289 pounds of food for the A.S. Food Bank, and hundreds of pounds of E-waste for A.S. Recycling. 100% of the proceeds were distributed to 14 IV community non-profits, including:

Adopt-a-Block Program: Isla Vista Recreation & Park District

Associated Students Food Bank

Breakfast Optimist Club of Goleta

Isla Vista Elementary School Science Camp Scholarship Fund

Isla Vista Initiatives Fund, i.e. Isla Vista Community Network

Isla Vista Teen Center

Isla Vista/UCSB Liaison Scholarship Fund at the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara

Isla Vista Youth Projects

Optimist Club @ UCSB

St. Brigid Outreach Program

Santa Barbara Student Housing Coop

St. Michael and All Angels Church

THRIVE Isla Vista

Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara/Isla Vista

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