Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee (SIRRC)
The A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee (SIRRC) is a community that shares the same interests as you which means getting involved in helping low-income, under-resourced students across California who want to attain a higher education, but the lack the resources to do so.
Participants are active student leaders who want to make a difference in the university community as well as the communities surrounding them. SIRRC is a comforting place that offers mentors for incoming 1st year students, services to local youth, and a place that allows others to become leaders while helping out those who want to be empowered by embarking on a new journey towards receiving a higher education. SIRRC participants strive for excellence in Scholarship, Leadership, and Citizenship!
A.S. Book Bank
Spring Quarter saw the grand opening of the A.S. Book Bank brought to the campus by SIRRC!