Career Staff
The A.S. career staff brings a wide range of talents and skills to A.S. Their dedication to students is summed up in the Staff Mission Statement and Values. Meet the current A.S. career staff by clicking here. This was the A.S. career staff during 2012/13:
2012/2013 Staff By Title and In Detail
Career Staff By Title
Marisela Marquez, Executive Director
Marilyn Dukes, Assistant Director for Student Programs
Aaron Jones, Assistant Director for Community Affairs
Denise Rinaldi, Assistant Director for Human Resources and External Communication
Cindy Lopez, Assistant Director for Finance and Budgets
Marta Ulvaeus, Assistant Director for Independent Media
Florence Raven Nocar, Assistant Director for Government Affairs
Lisa Corcos, Assistant Director for Business Services
Claudia Rae Alphin, Financial Officer
Mike Rogers, Bike Shop and Publications Coordinator
Ruth Granados, Community Volunteer Coordinator
Scott Bull, Environmental Programs Advisor
Sean Lieberman, Information Technology Administrator
Matthew McClintock, Desktop Support and Web Development
Ted Coe, KCSB Development Coordinator
JudyAnn Dutcher, Web Developer
Beth Ramone, Senior Artist
Freddie Mercer, Ticket Office Manager
Monica Lopez, AS/KCSB News and Journalism Advisor
Hilary Kleger, Isla Vista Community Advisor
Allina Mojarro, Community Education Outreach Coordinator
Sarah Siedschlag, Recycling Staff Advisor
Andy Doerr, Publications Coordinator
Jose Raygoza, Record Keeping Specialist
Kathleen Versola, Assistant Publications Coordinator
Jesse Armann, Office Coordinator, AS Administration & Accounting
Tuyen Nguyen, Services Development Project Coordinator
Mahader Tesfai, Living History Project Coordinator
Cerita Bickelmann, Financial Literacy Project Coordinator (through February)
Robin Unander, Attorney Legal Resource Center
David Salmon Bike Shop Coordinator (through December)
Career Staff in Detail
Marisela Marquez – AS Executive Director
893-4141 email me
Responsible for all fiscal management, staff personnel and legal matters of a complex student government organization with an annual budget of over $9 million and comprising elected student executive officers and legislative council, appointed student boards and committees, advisory and administrative staff, business enterprises, and student services. Oversees the enforcement of all Associated Students policies and procedures. Oversees election of and serves as principal advisor to elected student Executive Officers and Legislative Council; advises student boards and committees such as A.S. Judicial Council. Serves as advocate of Associated Students interests and concerns.
Marilyn Dukes – Associate Director for Student Programs
Who do I advise?
- AS Program Board
- Womyn’s Commission
- Take Back the Night
- Herstory
- Media Relations
- Rally Committee
Campus committees:
- Professional Development Committee for Associated Students staff
- UCen Governance Board
- UCen Programming Committee
- UCen Marketing
- ECen Advisory Board
- Major Events
- UCSB Operational Effectiveness Workgroup
- UCOP Student Liability Workgroup
What can I do for students? Program planning, contract information, risk management/insurance information
What other duties do I have?
- Work on contracting for the department and insurance issues for the department.
- Supervise the Sr. Artist
- I do event planning with registered student organizations as requested and read admissions applications during Winter Quarter for the Office of Admissions.
Where is my desk? 1519C–First floor inside the AS Program Board office
When is a good time to drop in? In the mornings–I have a lot of meetings, so e-mailing me in advance is helpful.
Aaron Jones – Associate Director for Community Affairs (ADCA)
893-3553 email me
Who do I advise? Directly, I advise: Academic Affairs Board (AAB)
As the ADCA, I am also the manager responsible for the following areas that are directly advised by Allina, Hilary, Ruth and Scott:
- Community Affairs Board (CAB)
- Coastal Fund
- Environmental Affairs Board (EAB)
- Bicycle Improvement Keeps Everyone Safe (BIKES)
- IV Community Relations Committee (IVCRC)
- IV Tenants Union (IVTU)
- America Reads/America Counts Tutorial Program.
As well, I am the staff lead on local matters, working specifically with the External Vice President for Local Affairs on a variety of inter-related community matters.
Campus committees:
- Campus Elections Committee
- Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness Task Force
- Center for Black Studies Advisory Committee
- An occasional campus-wide search committee or two.
What can I do for students? I am a campus, community historical resource for students. Remember Morgan Freeman’s character in the movie Shawshank Redemption?
What other duties do I have? I am the staff point person on matters dealing with AS space assessment, allocation and advancement.
Where is my desk? UCen Room 2523B
When is a good time to drop in? I’m in and out of the office frequently, so it’s best to call or email to set a time to meet. Otherwise, I’m around.
Cindy Lopez – Assistant Director for Financial and Budgets
893-3374 email me
Who do I advise:
- Finance Board
- Investments Committee
What can I do for students:
I can help students with their AS account and answer questions regarding the financial structure of AS.
What other duties do I have:
- Attend all Finance Board meetings
- Track all lock-in fees that come to Associated Students
- Oversee the annual budget process
- Oversee AS financial system
- Manage AS bank accounts and investments
- Manage AS Administration Office
Where is my desk: AS Administration Office, Room 2537E
When is a good time to drop by: I’m here from 7:30am to 4:30pm most days. Feel free to e-mail me and set up a meeting or drop by.
Flo Raven Nocar – Assistant Director for Government Affairs
893-2566 email me
Who do I advise? A.S. Executive Officers and A.S. Senators
What can I do for students? I conduct research and analysis concerning: local, state and federal laws, parliamentary procedure, UC Policies and Practices, the A.S. Legal Code, and A.S. Financial Policies.
What other duties do I have? I facilitate student government leadership, shared governance, student advocacy, mediate conflict and facilitate communication between A.S. groups.
Where is my desk? UCen II, Associated Students, Main Office, UCEN 1523
When is a good time to drop in? Monday – Friday 8:30am-5:30pm. I also hold office hours 2pm-4pm every Monday.
Lisa Corcos – Assistant Director for Business Services
893-2236 email me
Who do I advise? Business Services
Campus committees: Business Services Committees
What can I do for students? Explore options for the development of new business services
What other duties do I have? Devise curriculum to ensure that students engaged in the business serves are provided with learning opportunities that enhance their educational experience at UCSB
Where is my desk? UCEN 2537A
When is a good time to drop in? Usual business hours
Denise Rinaldi – Assistant Director for Human Resources and External Communication
893-4141 email me
Who do I advise? Lead for the External Communications team
What can I do for students?
- Provide information about job descriptions and Human Resources
- Provide information and update for the Legal Code
- Annual Awards process
What other duties do I have? Special Projects of many kinds, Media Center
Where is my desk? Upstairs in the Administration Office
When is a good time to drop in? I am generally in the office from 7:30 am until 3pm
Marta Ulvaeus – Assistant Director for Independent Media
Who do I advise? I advise KCSB radio, the Bottom Line, and the KCSB Media Center.
Campus committees: UCSB Emergency Planning Committee
What can I do for students? I facilitate learning and leadership in all aspects of operating the student-run radio station, which broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What other duties do I have?
- ensure KCSB compliance with legal broadcasting requirements
- participate in community radio at national and international levels
- maintain the KCSB archives
Where is my desk? 1053 Storke Communication Building (under Storke Tower)
When is a good time to drop in? It’s best to call or e-mail for an appointment, since my duties often pull me away from my office, but generally you’ll be able to track me down Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 10am and 5pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays are meeting-heavy days, but we could arrange an appointment on either of those days.
Staff in alphabetical order
Claudia Rae Alphin – Financial Officer
893-3374 email me
Who do I advise? Students and Staff re: Payroll issues, and liaison with HR Benefits
Campus committees: I have served on the following committee’s: EH&S Emergency Assessment Team, Professional Development Conference for Student Affairs Committee, past RAPE Crisis team member, I was a board member of March of Dimes thru CAB.
What can I do for students?
- I can activate their access card’s and key them into AS Building Doors. Doors, approval form needed, signed by their Advisor, and the student requesting.
- I am the Payroll Administrator for AS. After an individual gets hired, the employee will come to AS Admin for a powerpoint orientation about AS services and safety, and required payroll forms are done as well.
- I am always available to answer questions re: AS Admin in general, Payroll, or Keys.
What other duties do I have?
- I coordinate the External Audit that is required every year
- I am the BKM liaison re: invoices and contact in AS
Where is my desk? My office located in AS Administration, 2537D
When is a good time to drop in? Business hours, no appointment needed.
Jesse Armann – Office Coordinator, AS Administration & Accounting
893-3374 email me
Who do I advise? A.S. Office Assistants located in the Annex, Main Office & Administration
What can I do for students? Process purchase orders, journal entries, EOP grants, childcare grants, reimbursement checks, vendor checks & print financial reports.
What other duties do I have? I assist the AS Cashiers/Ticket office manager with processing deposits for that office and maintain the overall organization of the AS Admin office.
Where is my desk? AS Admin Room 2537C
When is a good time to drop in? Normal business hours
Cerita Bickelmann – Financial Literacy Project Coordinator
893-3659 email me
Who do I advise?
- Community Financial Fund Sub-Committee
- Committee on Committees
What can I do for students?
- Assist with money management and budgeting techniques for individuals and group concerns.
- Provide resources for loans and grant opportunities on campus
- Show students how to get involved in AS
What other duties do I have?
- Updating and maintaining the AS Legal Code
- Administering financial literacy workshops
- Assist the AS Emergency Loan program
- Administer the AS Community Financial Fund Grant program
- Maintaining/Updating the AS Legal Code
Where is my desk? Mornings – 2533 and Afternoons – AS Ticket Office
When is a good time to drop in? M, T, R, F 1-5pm
Scott Bull – Environmental Programs Advisor
893-5166 email me weblink 1 2 3
Who do I advise?
- Coastal Fund
- Environmental Affairs Board
- B.I.K.E.S.
What can I do for students?
- Provide links and networks to community organizations and governmental agencies
- Address any campus bike system (path and parking) issue
- Provide direct involvement in local and current environmental issues or campus sustainability programs
- Assist in Philanthropic Giving and grant-making
Where is my desk? Ucen Room 2521
When is a good time to drop in? normal business hours
Ted Coe – KCSB Development Coordinator
Who do I advise? KCSB 91.9 FM Executive Committee and KCSB-FM volunteers, more generally.
Campus committees: Associated Students staff Professional Development Committee; KCSB marketing committee; A.S. and KCSB hiring committees.
What can I do for students? I advise on a range of concerns: media/entertainment industry careers; fundraising/development & promotions/marketing; special projects/events; audio production; alumni outreach; community-media issues.
What other duties do I have?A.S. awards committee, philanthropic giving, budget preparation assistance for student organizations.
Where is my desk? 1055 Storke Communication Building (under Storke Tower).
When is a good time to drop in? Monday afternoons, most any time on Tuesdays-Fridays, but preferably email or call for an appointment, as meetings or other duties might take me away from my desk.
Andy Doerr – Publications Coordinator
893-5422 email me
Campus committees:
- Student Affairs Student Staff Divisional Meeting Planning Committee, Chair
- Campus Childcare Advisory Committee
What can I do for students?
- A.S. Annual Report
- Historical research projects
- Photography
- Update email lists on the A.S. server
What other duties do I have?
- Department Safety Representative
- Emergency Preparedness
Where is my desk? AS Annex
When is a good time to drop in? Normal business hours
JudyAnn Dutcher – Web Developer
Campus committees: Web Standards Committee
What can I do for students?
- Web design and development for AS groups
- Business Card creation for AS groups
- Teach Adobe Suite to AS students
- Promote AS activities through AS social media outlets
What other duties do I have? Print design projects as needed
Where is my desk? AS Annex
When is a good time to drop in? 8AM-noon M-F
Ruth Garcia Guevara – Community Volunteer Coordinator
Who do I advise?
- Community Affairs Board
- Isla Vista Community Relations Committee
- Elections
- Childcare Grants
- Community Affairs Board Foundation
Campus committees: Campus Elections Committee
What can I do for students?
- Advise students in volunteer recruitment and retention
- Volunteer, non profit and community development resources
- Primary contact for AS elections
What other duties do I have?
- Assist with America Reads/Counts program
- CAB Alternative breaks staff contact
Where is my desk? Ucen 2523
When is a good time to drop in? Business hours, or make an appointment
Hilary Kleger – Isla Vista Community Advisor
Who do I advise?
- Isla Vista Tenants Union (IVTU)
- Commission on Student Well-being (COSWB)
What can I do for students?
- Liaison between students and IV Community, County of Santa Barbara
- Provide opportunities for students e.g. connect students to work on collaborative Community projects
- Provide direct involvement in local housing issues
- Assit with program development and event planning
What other duties do I have?
- Emergency planning for IV
- Represent AS/IVTU in community meetings
Where is my desk? VTU – above Grafikart, stairs in the back
When is a good time to drop in? Business hours, or make an appointment
Sean Lieberman – Information Technology Administrator
Who do I advise? Tech Committee
Campus committees: Professional Development Committee (Student Affairs)
What can I do for students?
- Set up and fix computers
- Create accounts for emails, lists and groups
What other duties do I have?
- Photographer
- Maintain all computer systems throughout department
- Webmaster
Where is my desk? UCEN 2519
When is a good time to drop in? regular business hours
Monica Lopez – AS/KCSB News and Journalism Advisor
893-2426 email me
Who do I advise?
- KCSB News Department (radio news production and broadcast journalism training)
- KCSB Media Center (video production)
- The Bottom Line (weekly print and online news publication)
What can I do for students? I provide a hands-on introduction to news reporting and broadcast field production for students with a general interest in journalism. I can also offer close guidance and mentorship on in-depth enterprise and investigative reporting projects for more experienced student reporters with a strong interest in journalism. I also provide general assistance in navigating departments within A.S.
What other duties do I have? I advise KCSB students on public affairs programming, and am responsible for the production of a weekly program called Santa Barbara Lectures.
Where is my desk? I work in the KCSB newsroom next to Storke Tower.
When is a good time to drop in? I am generally reachable during regular business hours.
Matthew McClintock – Desktop Support and Web Development
893-8824 email me
What can I do for Students?
- Develop interactivity for A.S. group websites.
- Provide general desktop computer support.
What other duties do I have? Web application development.
Campus committees Web Standards Committee
Where is my desk? UCEN 2519
When is a good time to drop in? Contact me through the Technical Support form or via email, as my schedule is irregular.
Freddie Mercer – Ticket Office Manager
893-5918 email me
Who do I Advise? Cashiers
What can I do for Students? Help organize the selling of tickets for events on campus.
Where is my desk? UCEN 2533
When is a good time to drop in? Between 10am-4pm
Allina Mojarro – Community Education Outreach Coordinator
Who do I advise? America Reads America Counts
What can I do for students? In coordination with Community Affairs I train and supervise tutors that work in local elementary schools and after school programs in Isla Vista, Goleta, and Santa Barbara schools.
What other duties do I have? Provide monthly educational trainings to tutors, and help place volunteers in local school and community sites.
Where is my desk? Community Affairs Board (CAB) Office UCEN 2523
When is a good time to drop in? Usual Business Hours
Tuyen Nguyen – Services Development Project Coordinator
893-2276 email me
Who do I advise?
- A.S. Business Services Committee
- A.S. Food Bank Committee
What can I do for students?
- Work with students to develop future businesses services
- Work with students to develop trainings and curriculums for their organization
- Provide institution memory of Associated Students
- Connect students with other resources on campus
- Provide Free Food and Toiletries through AS Food Bank
What other duties do I have?
- Supervise the A.S. Food Bank Student Staff
- Assist BCCs and AS Business Services to develop curriculum and trainings for students
Where is my desk? I’m on the third floor of the UCEN in between the AS Food Bank and EAB at 3167 UCEN.
When is a good time to drop in? I am available from 9am-6pm. If I am not in my office, there is a bulletin board to let you know when I will return if you need to find me. The best way to get in touch with me is through email or call the AS Food Bank at 805-893-2276.
Beth Ramone – Senior Artist
What can I do for students? Create graphics
What other duties do I have? Create AS graphics including maps and Annual Report
Where is my desk? AS Annex
When is a good time to drop in? business hours
Jose Raygoza – Record Keeping Specialist
893-3374 email me
Who do I advise?
- Finance Board
What can I do for students?
- Provide financial reports for their BCCs, follow up on requisitions, help search AS financial policies, analyze students group’s minute taking system and offer better support, archive and retrieve minutes, and provide institutional memory.
- Oversee travel for the department by coordinating travel arrangements.
What other duties do I have?
- Administer daily accounting operations of all AS funded organizations.
- Implement the departments system of record keeping, review procedures and filing system, analyze process and recommend change when needed.
- Hire, train, and supervise student staff to take minutes for the Senate, Finance Board, and other Boards and Committees throughout the Association as needed.
Where is my desk? My desk is at the AS Administration office in Ucen 2537.
When is a good time to drop in? I’m available 9-5 at the office, and flexible with appointments.
Mike Rogers – Bike Shop and Publications Coordinator
What other duties do I have? Provide service at the AS Bike Shop
Where is my desk? AS Publications, AS Bike Shop
When is a good time to drop in? AM in Publications Office, PM at AS Bike Shop
Sarah Siedschlag – Recycling Program Coordinator
893-7765 email me
Who do I advise?
- Recycling
- Department of Public Worms
- Zero Waste Committee
What can I do for students?
- Connect students with recycling and sustainability resources on campus
- Help coordinate special pickups and events
Where is my desk? A.S. Recycling Office
When is a good time to drop in? Business hours
Mahader Tesfai – Special Programs Advisor
893-4717 email me
Who do I advise?
- S.C.O.R.E.
- Student Lobby
- Queer Commission
- Student Initated Recruitment and Retention Center
- Human Rights Board
What can I do for students?
- Work with all students to get them involved in Associated Students.
- Advise student groups in putting on dynamic and meaningful programing.
- Listen to students needs and concerns and share my ideas and insights
- Help students navigate university policy and resources.
What other duties do I have? I also assist in A.S. Elections and philanthropic giving.
Where is my desk? UCEN 2533
When is a good time to drop in? Drop in anytime during the day [9-5pm] and feel free to call or e-mail me to set up a time to meet.
Robin Unander – ASLRC Attorney
Robin is an attorney at the AS Legal Resource Center. The office provides legal consultation, coaching, and workshops for all undergrads and grad students at UCSB.
Kathleen Versola – Assistant Publications Coordinator
What can I do for students? Take care of all their printing and bindery needs.
What other duties do I have? I’m also in charge of Maintenance for 6 buildings and taking care of all Department Furniture needs.
Where is my desk? AS Pubs office UCen 1531
When is a good time to drop in? M-F business hours or email (see above)