The Commission on Public Safety (C.O.P.S.) works to increase the level of safety throughout Isla Vista and the UCSB campus. The commission focuses on all safety issues concerning the student body as well as supporting communication and better relations with the Isla Vista Foot Patrol, California Highway Patrol, UC Police Department, and the Office of Student Life. To help accomplish this improvement of relations and communications the commission shall organize projects and campaigns pertaining to public safety.
C.O.P.S participated in several important Isla Vista community safety projects this year.
Isla Vista United
Isla Vista United is a student-created group aiming towards improving morale in Isla Vista, and involving the entire residential community in order to create a safer and better mental and physical environment. You can learn more about Isla Vista United by visiting their pagehere.
Students for a Safer Isla Vista (SFSIV)
Working in close alliance with the Associated Students Office for Public Safety, Students for a Safer Isla Vista aims to provide residents of the Isla Vista area with a higher quality of living through the best possible public resource distribution and allocation. It is a necessity that everyone who lives in a community feels safe and accepted, and SFSIV will strive to provide this environment. You can learn more about SFSIV by visiting their page here.
Fence Isla Vista
“Fence Isla Vista” aims to better protect Isla Vista residents and visitors by improving current fencing safety along the cliffs on Del Playa. Far too many people have been seriously injured or killed due to improper fencing standards, especially within the last school year alone. You can learn more about Fence Isla Vista by visiting their page here.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is designed to help communities prepare for effective disaster response through training and planning. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference. With training and information, individual and community groups can be prepared to serve as a crucial resource capable of performing many of the emergency functions needed in the immediate post-disaster period. Through training, citizens can manage utilities and put out small fires; provide first aid and basic medical aid; search for and rescue victims safely; and organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective. You can learn more about CERT by visiting their page here.