KCSB Executive Committee
KCSB is a non-commercial, educational FM station broadcasting for the public interest. Funded primarily by UCSB students, with addition funding coming from an annual on-air fund drive, KCSB enters into no commercial contracts that allow access to the airwaves. It provides programming substantially different from that carried by commercial broadcast media. It is also designed to be educational for both programmers and listeners. UCSB students and community programmers are given an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of radio broadcasting, with an emphasis on both content development and technical proficiency. Broadcasters are also encouraged to explore more advanced aspects of audio production and broadcasting.
KCSB insures that these opportunities are offered to a diverse community, especially people who are traditionally underrepresented in broadcasting.
For its listeners, KCSB provides programming that is stimulating, informative and generally unavailable from other local media. KCSB’s news and public affairs programming places an emphasis on providing a forum for unpopular, controversial and/or neglected perspectives on important local, national and international issues. Its cultural arts and music programming covers a wide spectrum of expression from traditional to experimental which reflects the diverse community which KCSB serves.
KCSB and its programmers strive for programming excellence, both in content and technique. As a member of the University of California Radio Network, KCSB supports other member stations of the network and works to share expertise and programming with those stations.
KCSB provides such a wealth of programming from music to public affairs, to sports each year, it can’t be comprehensively chronicled here. Add in live events, community service, news, and more, and you have an invaluable community treasure.
KCSB broadcasts 24/7. COVID 19 challenged the station as never before and it prevailed! It provided the most comprehensive daily COVID coverage in the area. It enlisted KCSB alumni to produce shows and they responded from around the world. Students and staff worked together tirelessly to keep broadcasting, serving our community, and keeping our ears and minds engaged.
Summer Programming
Summer Orientation
Each quarter starts with an orientation to introduce KCSB to anyone interested in being heard around the world. This includes both students and community members.
On The Air
Dr. Deborah Show
On July 17th the Dr. Deborah Show welcomed special guest Anthony Rodriguez, is a fierce advocate for suicide prevention, co-founder of Santa Barbara Response Network, and co-chair of our area’s Santa Barbara Out Of The Darkness Walks. Out of the Darkness community walks are sponsored by the American Society for Suicide Prevention.

Anthony Rodriquez
Fall Programming