IVCRC is an Associated Students committee that works to promote and educate the Isla Vista community as a whole by nurturing the relationships between the long-term and short-term residents. IVCRC funds on-campus and off-campus groups that work to improve the community. It’s a committee filled with active and passionate students who wish to bring the Isla Vista community together.
IVCRC is responsible for the education of campus and student communities regarding issues within the Isla Vista Community and Santa Barbara County. IVCRC serves as a funding and planning source for projects that promote community relations. Relevant affairs include: safety, police/community relations, landlord/tenant relations, emergency and vehicle access in Isla Vista, parking, and County/University funding for Isla Vista programs and services. IVCRC collaborates with the Office of the External Vice President for Local Affairs (EVPLA).
It is the responsibility of IVCRC to oversee the distribution of the Isla Vista Improvements Lock-In funds. This fund was established to facilitate community programs. By providing financial, technical, and administrative support for student initiated and/or non-profit community services, the funds seek to better the living environment of students, families, and residents living in Isla Vista.
The annual Pardall Carnival is Associated Students’ beginning of the year reach out to the campus and IV communities. Produced by IVCRC, it brought activities for kids of all ages including carnival rides—even a mini-Ferris wheel to the center of IV! AS, campus, and community groups tabled to let everyone know about the services they offer. It’s a fun way to orient new students and remind folks about all that’s available as part of the larger college experience. It’s also a huge undertaking fully funded and produced by UCSB students. This year IVCRC partnered with the Isla Vista Recreation and Park District who hosted a Meet Your Neighbor day with a free breakfast at Perfect Park and activities at Little Acorn Park.