According to the AS Bylaws, “The purpose of the Attorney General is to prosecute and conduct suits involving violations of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code and to give advice upon questions of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code when required by the President and Executive Officers, or when requested by any ASUCSB Appointed Officer. The Attorney General shall act as the investigator and prosecutor in those cases in which the Attorney General brings to Judicial Council and may also serve as an advisor to those who wish to bring a case themselves. The ultimate goal of the office is to ensure that the Association remains accountable to the students they represent by abiding by the constitution voted on by the student body as whole and all of its subsidiary documents.”
After the spring elections, controversy arose stemming from allegations of past sexual misconduct by President Elect Daevionne Beasley, which led to some students calling for a recall election. The recall effort included a petition that gained over 1000 online signatures. However, the petition was deemed invalid, since the signatures were collected in such a way that they were unverifiable. After a careful reading of the AS Legal Code, the AS Elections Board and the Attorney General’s office issued the following summary of how such a recall would have to be conducted. Eventually, the calls for the recall subsided.