“As a public research institution, the University of California, Santa Barbara offers a premier undergraduate education that enhances the creative and intellectual abilities of the diverse communities that it serves. However, in an environment of budget cuts and fee increases, students are facing new challenges that affect their performance as students and derail their academic and career goals. We are committed to promoting the retention and welfare of every student at UCSB by developing programs and services that directly address student needs.” These fundamental principles are what motivated students working through the Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee (SIRRC) to make the SIRRC Book Bank a reality. As the bank grew it became increasingly clear that it needed to be self-standing and this became a reality in 2019.
The Book Bank has worked diligently to expand its collection. This year is added a collaboration with the UCen Bookstore.
Unfortunately, the Book Bank was unable to continue operations during spring quarter due to the coronavirus. It will return when students return to campus and it’s deemed safe.