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Throughout the history of Associated Students, there have been years when our staff mission and values have been profoundly tested by tragedies and unexpected challenges. The disruptions caused by the arrival of the corona virus as winter quarter was coming to a close were unprecedented.
In the interest of slowing the spread of the virus and ultimately saving lives, Chancellor Yang and the UCSB administration in conjunction with the UC Office of President made the painful decision to move all instruction online, ask that all students, who can, move out immediately, and that only a thin skeleton crew of staff remain on campus. These orders preceded the order from California governor Gavin Newsom for everyone in California to shelter in place, only leave home to run critical errands, and practice social distancing when in public spaces.
Working with Student Affairs, AS staff made the necessary adjustments to work from home, a multi-pronged effort that included finding ways to continue serving students remotely as well as possible. This effort included learning new online communication softwares, conducting online meetings, and developing programing that continued to serve students and the educational mission of the university. AS staff proved their caring and resilience daily during this terrible and relentlessly challenging time!
We, the UCSB AS Professionals, empower, mentor, guide and support UCSB students to deepen and enhance civic engagement and social responsibility by:
Facilitating learning through student initiated projects and programs.
Ensuring student inclusion in shared governance of the university.
Initiating and facilitating collaboration within the UCSB community and beyond.
Safeguarding the continuity, financial stability and institutional memory of the AS organization for current and future students.
Respecting student agency to create their own path.
Our Values
Teamwork: being respectful, seeking common ground as we do our work, and being honest, trustworthy, and straightforward. Being cooperative without compromising our independence.
Professionalism: following accepted and ethical standards of our areas of expertise; doing our work fairly and with integrity; representing our recommendations to our stakeholders accurately, and with a sense of proportion; and completing our work thoroughly and timely so that it is available and relevant to inform stakeholders’ decisions.
Flexibility: thinking creatively, adopting new ways of addressing issues tailored to unique circumstances, and building on successful processes to make them better.
Accountability: taking responsibility for completing high quality work.
Creating a public sphere
Critical thinking
Diversity: respecting each other and amplifying the strengths that come from true respect for diversity
Education & Knowledge
Open mindedness
Social change