The Commission on Disability Equality (CODE) strives to eliminate ableist discrimination and segregation that occurs at UCSB and help students with disabilities feel included in the UCSB community. CODE conducts outreach, networks, and explores ways to increase retention and graduation rates, and promote social, educational, and academic programs geared toward the disabled student community. CODE is committed to advocating for disabled students and educating the campus community on the importance of equal access by raising disability issues and awareness on a local, state, and national level. The commission continues to work towards a fully accessible campus. A major goal is to have a transportation system implemented that will serve the needs of UCSB students with either temporary (injuries, etc.) or permanent disabilities. This work has been ongoing for many years.
During spring quarter CODE partnered with the Disabled Students Program to host a Zoom social.
As in past years, CODE hosted quarterly finals study jams.