Public and Mental Health Commission


The A.S. Public and Mental Health Commission is concerned with the healthcare and mental health of UCSB undergraduate students. The commission aims to address relevant public health and mental health issues and workS to maximize the health and mental health of UCSB students through student-run projects in coordination with Student Health, CAPS, and other relevant entities. It will advocate and serve as a point of reference for other health and mental health entities on campus. Its purpose is to promote the awareness of student health and mental health concerns in our community, and to take direct action to address them as needed. See their website here.


These are the students who took lead roles in this new commission.They encouraged students to come visit them at their office hours to discuss anything public and/or mental health related! They loved hearing any ideas, suggestions, or concerns students had.


Fall quarter began with recruiting members and filling officer positions.

During winter quarter the commission hosted its first Self Love Week with a variety of activities designed to help students destress and take better care of themselves. The week’s activities encouraged self-care and promoted a positive environment for UCSB students while they were finishing up midterms and gearing up for finals.






















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