Womxn’s Commission


What is Womxn’s Commission?

The UCSB A.S. Womxn’s Commission is an educator and an advocate for womxn’s rights, with a commitment to representing and improving the status of womxn on campus and in the community. The A.S. Womxn’s Commission is working toward becoming a diverse group of members reflecting the different voices of the campus and community.

Mission Statement

The UCSB A.S. Womxn’s Commission is an educator and an advocate for womxn’s rights, with a commitment to representing and improving the status of womxn on campus and in the community. The A.S. Womxn’s Commission is working toward becoming a diverse group of members reflecting the different voices of the campus and community.

The A.S. Womxn’s Commission must constantly redefine itself if it is going to actively try to recognize how womxn’s issues function within the intersections of race, class, age, sexual orientation, religion, culture and physical ability. Recognizing this means that we aknowledge that one group can never represent the voices of all womxn across these intersections. Therefore, we must look beyond Womxn’s Commission and into the campus and community.


The Women of Color Conference is one to Womxn’s Commission’s signature annual events. This year’s theme was “Reclaiming our Spaces, Reclaiming our Voices,” and promoted activism in its many forms. Attendance was free with food and gear provided. Housing and/or childcare could not be provided, but dependents were welcome. The event was open to the community beyond UCSB.



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