The Pardall Center, “The Heart of Isla Vista,” is where AS meets the IV community. Located in the center of downtown IV, the center is a resource hub and source of services for the whole community. The dedicated career and student staff provide everything from legal services to help navigating IV housing. The center is home to the center itself, the Legal Resource Center, and the Isla Vista Tenants Union. It hosts individual study spaces, group work areas, computer and basic printing facilities along with meeting spaces/times available for those needing a space to congregate. These and many other resources are free to the community of Isla Vista.
The center’s website, developed over several years, is a remarkable resource in and of itself. Click here to check it out. It’s a comprehensive guide to IV and the services available to community members across the board—student, families, youth, and more. The AS in IV section highlights the many ways that UCSB students engage with the community, including providing substantial funding for community initiatives and programs.
Here are just some of the service offered at the center:
Study by yourself or with friends. Come to a quarterly Study Jam. Learn about our beloved Isla Vista community
Organize or attend an event. Work on projects & hold meetings. Seek new opportunities to be involved. Learn about tenant’s rights’ issues and advocacy with the AS Isla Vista Tenants Union
Share Resources
Fix your bike . Get legal and housing help via the AS Legal Resource Center and the AS Isla Vista Tenants Union, or do your own research via the Self Help Legal Center. Ask for help/ directions. Access a first aid kit. Drop off non-perishable food for the AS Food Bank. Advertise a community event or resource
Be Green
Drop off compostable items, recyclables, or electronic waste for processing by AS Recycling
Plug In
Use the free Internet and computers Print, scan or make copies
Stay cool & have lunch. Refill your water bottle. Drink a cup of water, tea or coffee. Use the restroom. Charge your laptop/phone. Unwind and energize with yoga, meditation, high intensity training, self-defense classes. Find peace & quiet
As in past years, COSWB hosted a series of fitness classes in the Pardall Center space, including free yoga and HIIT classes.