10476505_1638131199740623_6973044829842587994_nThis year the Office of the Controller was acknowledged as Commission of the Year at the end-of-year AS Awards Banquet. The office, which typically has 8 to 10 members, conducts financial oversight over existing units and incorporates new ventures into AS. This year the office researched and implemented an iClicker loanĀ program. Students are required to use the clickers in some of their classes, but for some they are cost prohibitive.



The AS clickers are available at the AS Cashiers and Ticket Office windows. Assistant Director for Business Services Ed Schatz worked with students to develop and implement the program.

The Office of the Controller also worked with the UCen and Davidson Library on a pilot program to keep the Study Bean in the library open for 24 hours during finals week, with the intention of eventually providing a permanent 24-hour cafe solution for the campus.

Several other projects were started this year and will carry over into next year. They include a collaborative class notes project, expansion of technology equipment rentals, and continued collaboration on a food cart project that has been in the works for several years.