KCSB FM 91.9 has been serving our community for over 50 years. With a radius of 70 miles originating at Broadcast Peak in the Santa Ynez Mountains, the KCSB signal broadcasts from Santa Maria to Simi Valley. Fishermen on their way to the Channel Islands listen in as do commuters on their way to and from work. Broadcasting 24/7 365 days a year the station also reaches folks into the wee hours of the morning with a unique and ever-changing mix of music, public affairs, news, and sports.
KCSB is almost fully funded by students with help from an annual fundraiser that this year raised nearly $30,000. This funding makes programming possible that isn’t driven by a corporate profit model. And KCSB is truly community radio giving students and community members the opportunity to develop and deliver programs. It also gives voice to alternative viewpoints not available on commercial radio.
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